
by Scaffeye GbR



SCAFFEYE is available in different versions, as smartphone app and desktop variant. Each version of SCAFFEYE is perfectly tailored to the needs of each user and provides on-demand tools and functionality to scaffolders, craft businesses, planners & security coordinators, and scaffolding users. For example, SCAFFEYE facilitates the handling of scaffolding and provides verifiable, traceable safety.OPTIMIZED SCAFFOLDING AND ADMINISTRATIONSCAFFEYE centralizes the management of a scaffolding via tailor-made versions and simplifies data storage as well as communication of all involved parties.SIMPLE LAWFUL SAFETY TESTINGSCAFFEYE allows all users a simple and digital security check of each scaffolding via smartphone app.COMPLETE DIGITAL TEST HISTORYSCAFFEYE digitizes and stores all security checks, manages them centrally and makes them available at all times.